
Newsletter #24

Monetize Individuality | Ranking Factors | Some Good Owl News | WordPress Theme Blocksy | App for Productivity Nerds | Go Fully Remote | ...

Hey, welcome to our newsletter for curious marketers, content creators, and entrepreneurs. Content and tool curation as a service, that’s the mission of this newsletter. Expect stuff about social media, design, marketing, and tech. If you like these newsletters, forward this to a friend! If you received this from a friend, subscribe. Stay fresh! Rolf

🧠 Hand-Picked Content

A New Type Of Media Companies (Article, 12min)

Services like Cameo, Substack, or Patreon make it possible to “monetize individuality”. Content creators from these platforms are portrayed in this article. More

Your Company Needs To Go Fully Remote (Twitter Thread, 5min)

Are you involved in discussions about how to approach remote work at your company? Read this thread to learn why “hybrid” approaches (some people fully remote, others at the office), probably won’t work. More

Update On Ranking Factors (Blog post, 4min)

SEO is a constant cat-and-mouse game. The latest information from Google summarized by Yoast. More

Entrepreneurship: Startup Idea Generation (Blog post, 5min)

Advice on how to generate better ideas and spot them, from the viewpoint of a silicon valley venture capitalist. More

Blogging Motivation by Seth Godin (Article, 5min)

I have mentioned Set Godin a few times in this newsletter already. This is a collection of Seth’s tips on blogging, and I find it very motivating. More

🛠️ Tools & Apps & Services

To-do App For Nerds

Todoist is the app I am using for years. Finally, I wrote a post of why the app is my daily companion. More

WordPress Theme To Kickstart Your Project

Blocksy is a theme supporting the Gutenberg editing experience 100%. More

Tool To Add Hardcoded Subtitles into Video

I recently needed to add subtitles to a video file before posting it to Twitter. Handbrake is a free open source tool that I used to get the job done. More

Freshen Up Your Content With Customized Illustrations

Blush is a website and Figma plugin to “Create, mix, and customize illustrations made by artists around the world.” Interesting approach. More

Practical Typography

Do you write a lot of blog posts, articles, or run your own website? Typography plays a crucial role in presenting your ideas. An ebook on all things typography. More

📣 Fresh van Root

Elementor Course Pre-Launch

GREAT NEWS! Do you want to learn how to build websites with WordPress and the most popular landing page builder Elementor? Buy our course today and save 50%. More

🔗 One More Link

Some Good Owl News

“Europe’s biggest owl, the Eurasian eagle-owl, had made a nest in a planter in front of his window.” Hat tip to Fresh van Root reader Gerald R. More

Bonus Link

Are You Into Electronic Music? You might like this pushing techhouse DJ Set. More

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