Todoist: From Lists to Boards

Todoist got a board feature. What that means does not need lots of explanation. Trello, Asana, and lots of other tools we use for project and task management have a boards view front and center. Trello was one of the pioneering apps making the boards view mainstream.

Our clients rely on Asana and Trello to organize content marketing projects and content production tasks. A blog post starts with an idea and the task “flows” from one list to another on the board (Compared to the old way, of organizing your work in Excel sheets, emails, file shares).

Now Todoist also got a boards view feature, let’s take a quick look at it.

In Todoist, the basic structure is the following:

  • Your Project (i.e. Content Marketing project X)
    • Section 1 (i.e. SEO research)
      • Your Task 1 (i.e. keyword research)
      • Your Task 2
      • Your Task 3
        • Subtask 1
        • Subtask 2
    • Section 2 (i.e. social media)
      • Your Task 1 (i.e. Publish tweet)
      • Your Task 2
      • Your Task 3

All that information in Todoist was presented as a list, until recently.

This could turn into a pretty long list. For example, see the “Fresh van Root” project in my Todoist account:

Now you can switch this project to a boards view. Section titles turn into list titles, all tasks are shown in lists.

Of course you can drag & drop tasks between lists, and switch back to the list view at any time.

The boards view feature is also availble in todoist’s mobile apps.

Todoist tasks vs. Trello cards

Todoist is clearly focused on managing your to-dos, compared to a Trello board which can be used for anything from a brainstorming session (using cards as post-its) to managing social media content (the calendar feature). Power-Ups in Trello can turn your board to fit your very specific needs.

Todoist (as the name suggests) is focused on managing your to-dos. You create a to-do, add a priority, label, owner and so on. All that with a “command-line-like” feeling. In Trello, you create cards, and a Trello card can represent whatever you want (a to-do, a task-list, a post-it-note or your favorite chocolate cookie recipe).

When you are looking for an app to manage your day-to-day work, Todoist might be the better option.

I am using Todoist for years to manage my to-dos, and I also on-boarded our team to the app. Check out my blog post ToDoist: The To-Do App For Productivity Nerds, where I go into detail why I like the app so much.

Watch this 5 minute tutorial to see the all the todoist board features in action. Or check out the official blog post announcing the board feature.

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