Welcome to Fresh van Root newsletter #87!
I am on vacation this week, or workation, as it is called. So this issue is a bit shorter than usual. While working on this newsletter, I enjoyed this view.
In this issue, you get:
- 2 reading tips on startups and growth
- A ChatGPT recipe for creating web pages
- Browser extension for making your browser history useable
- 11 links overall
stay fresh,
BTW: Our reader poll is still open.
Hello to 21 new subscribers. 👋 I’m Rolf, exploring content and apps at the intersection of marketing, productivity, tech, content creation, and social media – for curious minds. This bi-weekly newsletter is a summary of that exploration.
🧠 Hand-Picked Content
Growth: 1000 True Fans vs. The Masses (Blog, 3min)
If you created something that resonates well with early adopters, nerds, geeks, or freaks, you might be tempted to scale it for the masses. That might destroy your relationship with those early fans of your circus, and they move on. More
Startups: From Idea To Reality (Handbook)
A complete and comprehensive guide, with many examples – from picking the right idea/problem to work on to fundraising and growing a team. More
- This content recommendation was discovered via the fabulous Creator Club newsletter by Sam Dickie. It’s a fantastic monthly resource with great recommendations on what’s buzzing across creators.
🛠️ Tools & Apps & Services
Web Creation: From ChatGPT To Working Prototype
This is a simple recipe you can try next time you work on a new website. Take the first version of the content you got, and ask ChatGPT to create the web page. More
Productivity: An Intelligent Browser History
Browsers have evolved significantly recently, but the browser history feature has yet to. Eesel is a Chrome browser extension that changes that. The extension makes browsing history easy to navigate and surfaces all bookmarks categorized by apps and organized in virtual folders. Without any manual configuration, this tool is instantly useful. Demo | More
Creators: AI-guided writing
Wordtune is a browser extension and web-based editor to work on your texts. It has a simple toolbar for switching between formal and casual writing styles and shortening or expanding on a given sentence. You get 10 rewrites per day for free. Screenshot | More
- Bonus: Grammarly announced GrammarlyGO—an AI-powered writing assistant going beyond suggesting fixes to your humanly created text. More
Webdesign: Inspiration Across Categories
The internet is not running out of sites featuring sites with great design anytime soon. More
📣 Fresh van Root
A Keyboard Shortcut Worth Remembering
Do you close browser tabs accidentally often? Remember this shortcut:
CMD+Shift+T brings it back. Go try it out.
Still open: 30second Newsletter Survey
Let us know what you think about this newsletter. More
Download 12 alternative LinkedIn Profile Frames
Grab 12 alternative LinkedIn profile frames. More
🏞️ Your Next Wallpaper?

🔗 One More Link
World Nature Photography Awards (Pictures)
A Calmer City (Video 10min)
The city of Kyoto bans bright and flashy colors (in some areas). More