
Newsletter #35

Content Marketing Report | NoCode App Builder | Social Media Account Analytics | Writing Tips | 6 Figures in 6 days | Substack profile | and more

Hey, welcome to my newsletter for curious marketers, content creators, and entrepreneurs. Content and tool curation as a service, that’s the mission of this newsletter. Expect stuff about social media, design, marketing, and tech. If you like these newsletters, forward this to a friend! If you received this from a friend, subscribe. Stay fresh! Rolf

🧠 Hand-Picked Content

Content Marketing Benchmark Report (Article, 20min)

Lots of facts and figures, plus hands-on advice for content marketers, specifically interesting if you are working with tech/SaaS companies. More

Profile Of Substack (Article, 5min)

Founded in 2017, Substack is today the most prominent platform for when it comes to starting a paid newsletter. This article portrays its founders and explains why high-profile journalists flock to the platform. More

“Six Figures in 6 days” (Blog, 5min)

This designer shares how he made a 6 figure revenue in 6 days. Spoiler: No overnight success. More

Writing Tips (Blog, 5min)

Very practical advice for people writing for the web. More

⚒️Tools & Apps & Services

Create A Website Using Google Docs

Nocode Works is a website builder that takes your Google Docs and turns them into a website. I tested the app and wrote a blog about it. More

Social Media Account Analytics

Socialblade tracks social media accounts and is a good address to start digging. ExampleMore

Google Alternatives

This page shows a long list of “privacy friendly” Google alternatives. After browsing the list I am not so sure about that. Anyway, some inspiration to get from it. More

Nocode App Builder Adalo

I am looking for a way to make the archive of this newsletter easier consumable, and as a side project I started working on an app. More

More Free Icons

Nice icon set, easy to customize or embed. More

📣 Fresh van Root

Do you benefit from this newsletter?

This Twitter thread shares some tips on how to build a great newsletter. Everybody is sending newsletters these days, what do you like/dislike about this one? Any feedback welcome.

🔗 One More Link

Brought to you by my Newsletter readers

Maps Played On the Piano

Thanks to Harald for bringing this to my attention. More

Draw or Guess Something

Nice little browser game to play with strangers online. Thanks to Felix for the tip. More

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