
Newsletter #21

Confcall Burnout | Web Library for Illustrations | Google Analytics Alternative | Houseparty App Review | Jitsi Meet vs Whereby

Hey, welcome to edition #21 of our newsletter for curious marketers, content creators, and entrepreneurs with a hands-on mentality. Content and tool curation as a service, that’s the mission of this newsletter.

If you like these newsletters, forward this to a friend! If you received this from a friend, subscribe. Stay fresh! Rolf 

🧠 Hand-Picked Content

Feeling Burned Out After Weeks Full Of Video-conferences? (Article, 6min)

Your whole work week is filled with conference calls these days. Connecting with friends? Host another call after work ends. Limit your time spent in calls, plan enough breaks between them, or just send a letter (I did so and got some WhatsApp messages back! :)) More

Try Houseparty, Your Kids Are Already UsingI It! (Blog, 4min)

50mio new users in one month. If Houseparty can keep those numbers up and add some social networking features, it may turn into a full-fledged social network for a younger generation. And a potential competitor for Facebook, Snapchat, and others. More

How New Emojis Are Coming To Your Phone (Article, 5min)

Greetings with fist bump or high five is out during Corona. Thanks to a personal effort, we now can download an elbow bump emoji. But will it land in time on our phones? More

Short And Crisp Summary On B2B Marketing (Video, 14min)

A great introduction into B2B content marketing, packed with valuable tips & tricks. More

Office Meditation in Home Office (Website)

When we are at the office, we are annoyed by office noise. But after working weeks from home you may miss it. This website helps. More

“Every Covid-19 Commercial is Exactly the Same” (Video, 4min)

All companies are “here to help” during this difficult times. A great mashup of all the same Corona ads. More

🛠️ Tools & Apps & Services

Upcoming Website Project? Read This Book to Get Everyone Involved On the Same Page

The book “Making Your Website Work” by Gill Andrews is a great resource with 100 actionable tips for everyone working on websites. More

Tettra: A Wiki-like Knowledge Sharing Solution For Your Company

A tool for documenting processes and standards inside the company, that can be perfectly integrated in Slack. More

A Convenient Web Library for Illustrations

Humaans – a design library with mix and match illustrations that you may have seen around the web. More

Fathom: Google Analytics Alternative with Focus On User Privacy And Essentials

Google Analytics may collect too much data. Fathom, in its turn, is an alternative that only collects essential information. More

Design Inspiration For Your Next Landing Page

Upcoming website project? Check out these resources. More

📣 Fresh van Root

Houseparty App Review

Everybody ist talking about the Housparty app right now. But have you wondered what’s so special about it? More

Jitsi Meet vs. Whereby: What’s The Better Choice?

We reviewed two strong Zoom alternatives: Jitsi Meet and Whereby. More

🔗 One More Link

A Video-conference Experience We All Can Relate To (Video)

When you host your next video-conference, open this website, share your screen, and open the video in full-screen. Puts a smile on everyone’s face. More

Sorry it’s actually two more links in this edition. More

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