Some Lesser Known But Useful WordPress Plugins

There is a list of well-known plugins in the WordPress marketplace, that everybody is knowing and using. Examples would be Yoast SEO, WordFence, or JetPack.

Here are a few plugins that are less popular, but still useful for specific use cases.

Share a Draft

You know the problem of working on a post and the need to share it with someone who is not able to access WordPress dashboard, but you want to show the final thing instead of emailing back and forth. Share a Draft allows you to share an unpublished post for a defined time frame.

The plugin hasn’t been updated in two years, but it works just fine with the current WordPress release.

How does it work? After installing you can choose a draft and share it with a hidden link. No account needed. You can set a timeframe for how long the post is reachable at that URL.

Share a Draft in WordPress dashboard

WP Reset

Installing WordPress takes a few minutes, once you have done it a few times. Most hosters even offer simple click-through installers. A fresh WordPress site is set up in minutes and it’s always a good idea to play around with themes, plugins and other stuff on a test installation.

Instead of creating a new WordPress site every time you want to test something you can also use the WP Reset plugin. It is a factory reset function like you know it from your smartphone.

It goes without saying, be careful when playing around with it 🙂

Reset WP – “Factory Reset” for your WordPress site

Bulk Move

It is easy to change categories and tags for several posts at once with the bulk edit function in the All Posts view in WordPress. Have you ever tried removing posts from categories? That does not work with the features provided by WordPress. This is where the Bulk Move plugin comes in.

I recently discovered this plugin when we re-organized the categories of our blog. Not something you will use every day, but useful when your blog evolves.

Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA

Do you have hundreds or thousands of failed logins on your WordPress site? Add one more layer of security on your login screen with this plugin. You need to have a Google account and create a key that needs to be added in plugin settings.

Setting up Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA takes 2 minutes, it does not replace running a security plugin on your site.

Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA on

Export All URLs

This plugin is useful if you need to export the URLs and other data about your site’s posts and pages. This can be useful if you want to create a report about your content in Excel or share URLs with guest authors etc.

I discovered the Export All URLs plugin while looking for a way to take screenshots of all published posts.


WordPress is a tool nerdy marketers can’t ignore. If you miss a feature most probably a developer thought about that too already and provides a plugin. Many argue that WordPress lacks features a content management system should have by default (like support for multilanguage content). I prefer the other way round: Getting a lightweight CMS that allows me to add the missing features I need.

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